Saturday, February 25, 2012

Lithium battery

Lithium batteries are disposable (primary) batteries that accept lithium metal or lithium compounds as an anode. Depending on the architecture and actinic compounds used, lithium beef can aftermath voltages from 1.5 V to about 3.7 V, over alert the voltage of an accustomed zinc–carbon array or acrid battery.1 Lithium batteries are broadly acclimated in articles such as carriageable customer cyberbanking devices.

Lithium primary batteries annual for 28% of all primary array sales in Japan but alone 1% of all array sales in Switzerland. In the UK and EU alone 0.5% of all array sales including accessory types are lithium primaries. 2 3 4 5


The appellation "lithium battery" refers to a ancestors of altered chemistries, absolute abounding types of cathodes and electrolytes.

The a lot of accepted blazon of lithium corpuscle acclimated in customer applications uses brownish lithium as anode and manganese dioxide as cathode, with a alkali of lithium attenuated in an amoebic solvent.

Inside pieces of a bread battery, accredit to caption

Disassembled CR2032 array From larboard — abrogating cup from close ancillary with band of lithium (oxidized in air), separator(porous material), cathode (manganese dioxide), metal filigree — accepted collector, metal case (+)(damaged during aperture the cell), on the basal is artificial sealing ring

Another blazon of lithium corpuscle accepting a ample activity body is the lithium-thionyl chloride cell. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are about not awash to the customer market, and acquisition added use in commercial/industrial applications, or are installed into accessories area no customer backup is performed. In this cell, a aqueous admixture of thionyl chloride (SOCl2) and lithium tetrachloroaluminate (LiAlCl4) acts as the electrolyte and cathode respectively. A absorptive carbon actual serves as a cathode accepted beneficiary which receives electrons from the alien circuit. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are able-bodied ill-fitted to acutely low-current applications area continued activity is necessary, such as wireless anxiety systems.


Chemistry Cathode Electrolyte Nominal voltage Open-circuit voltage Wh/kg Wh/dm3

Li-MnO2 (Li-Mn, "CR") Heat-treated manganese dioxide Lithium perchlorate in propylene carbonate and dimethoxyethane 3 V 3.3 V 280 580

The a lot of accepted customer brand battery, about 80% of the lithium array market. Uses bargain materials. Acceptable for low-drain, long-life, bargain applications. Top activity body per both accumulation and volume. Can bear top beating currents. Wide temperature range. With acquittal the centralized impedance rises and the terminal voltage decreases. Best temperature bound to about 60 °C. Top self-discharge at top temperatures.

Li-SOCl2 Thionyl chloride Lithium tetrachloroaluminate in thionyl chloride 3.5 V 3.65 V 500 1200

Liquid cathode. For low temperature applications. Can accomplish down to −55 °C, area it retains over 50% of its rated capacity. Negligible bulk of gas generated in nominal use, bound bulk beneath abuse. Has almost top centralized impedance and bound circumlocute current. Top activity density, about 500 Wh/kg. Toxic. Electrolyte reacts with water. Low-current beef acclimated for carriageable electronics and anamnesis backup. High-current beef acclimated in aggressive applications. In continued accumulator forms passivation band on anode, which may advance to acting voltage adjournment if put into service. Top bulk and assurance apropos absolute use in noncombatant applications. Can backfire if shorted. Underwriters Laboratories crave accomplished artisan for advancement of these batteries. Chancy waste, Class 9 Hazmat shipment.6

Li-SOCl2,BrCl, Li-BCX Thionyl chloride with bromine chloride Lithium tetrachloroaluminate in thionyl chloride 3.7-3.8 V 3.9 V 350 770

Liquid cathode. A alternative of the thionyl chloride battery, with 300 mV college voltage. The college voltage drops aback to 3.5 V anon as the bromine chloride gets captivated during the aboriginal 10-20% of discharge. The beef with added bromine chloride are anticipation to be safer if abused.

Li-SO2Cl2 Sulfuryl chloride 3.7 3.95 330 720

Liquid cathode. Similar to thionyl chloride. Acquittal does not aftereffect in accretion of basal sulfur, which is anticipation to be circuitous in some chancy reactions, accordingly sulfuryl chloride batteries may be safer. Commercial deployment hindered by addiction of the electrolyte to bite the lithium anodes, abbreviation the shelf life. Chlorine is added to some beef to accomplish them added aggressive to abuse. Sulfuryl chloride beef accord beneath best accepted than thionyl chloride ones, due to animosity of the carbon cathode. Sulfuryl chloride reacts berserk with water, absolution hydrogen chloride and sulfuric acid.7

Li-SO2 Sulfur dioxide on teflon-bonded carbon Lithium boiler in sulfur dioxide with baby bulk of acetonitrile 2.85 V 3.0 V 250 400

Liquid cathode. Can accomplish down to −55 °C and up to +70 °C. Contains aqueous SO2 at top pressure. Requires assurance vent, can backfire in some conditions. Top activity density. Top cost. At low temperatures and top currents performs bigger than Li-MnO2. Toxic. Acetonitrile forms lithium cyanide, and can anatomy hydrogen cyanide in top temperatures.8 Acclimated in aggressive applications.

Addition of bromine monochloride can addition the voltage to 3.9 V and access activity density.9

Li-(CF)x ("BR") Carbon monofluoride Lithium tetrafluoroborate in propylene carbonate, dimethoxyethane, and/or gamma-butyrolactone 2.8 V 3.1 V 360 680

Cathode actual formed by high-temperature intercalation of fluorine gas into graphite powder. Top activity body (250 Wh/kg), 7 year shelf life. Acclimated for low to abstinent accepted applications in anamnesis and alarm advancement batteries. Very acceptable assurance record. Acclimated in aerospace applications, able for amplitude back 1976. Acclimated in aggressive applications both earthbound and marine, and in missiles. Also acclimated in cardiac pacemakers.10 Best temperature 85 °C. Very low self-discharge (<0.5%/year at 60 °C, <1%/yr at 85 °C). Developed in 1970s by Matsushita.11

Li-I2 Iodine solid amoebic allegation alteration circuitous (poly-2-vinylpyridine, P2VP) 2.8 V 3.1 V

Solid electrolyte. Very top reliability. Acclimated in medical applications. Does not accomplish gas even beneath abbreviate circuit. Solid-state chemistry, bound circumlocute current, acceptable alone for low-current applications. Terminal voltage decreases with amount of acquittal due to precipitation of lithium iodide. Low self-discharge.

Li-Ag2CrO4 Silver chromate Lithium perchlorate band-aid 3.1/2.6 V 3.45 V

Very top reliability. Has a 2.6 V plateau afterwards extensive assertive allotment of discharge, provides aboriginal admonishing of approaching discharge. Developed accurately for medical applications, for example, built-in pacemakers.

Li-Ag2V4O11, Li-SVO, Li-CSVO Silver oxide+vanadium pentoxide (SVO) lithium hexafluorophosphate or lithium hexafluoroarsenate in propylene carbonate with dimethoxyethane

Used in medical applications, like implantable defibrillators, neurostimulators, and biologic beverage systems. Also projected for use in added electronics, such as emergency locator transmitters. Top activity density. Continued shelf life. Capable of connected operation at nominal temperature of 37 °C.12 Two-stage acquittal with a plateau. Output voltage abbreviating proportionally to the amount of discharge. Aggressive to abuse.

Addition of copper(II) oxide to the cathode actual after-effects in the Li-CSVO variant.

Li-CuO Copper(II) oxide Lithium Perchlorate attenuated in Dioxolane 1.5 V 2.4 V

Can accomplish up to 150 °C. Developed as a advancement of zinc-carbon and acrid batteries. "Voltage up" problem, top aberration amid open-circuit and nominal voltage. Produced until mid-1990s, replaced by lithium-iron sulfide. Accepted use limited.

Li-Cu4O(PO4)2 Copper oxyphosphate

See Li-CuO

Li-CuS Copper sulfide 1.5 V

Li-PbCuS Lead sulfide and chestnut sulfide 1.5 V 2.2 V

Li-FeS Iron sulfide Propylene carbonate, dioxolane, dimethoxyethane 1.5-1.2 V

"Lithium-iron", "Li/Fe". acclimated as a advancement for acrid batteries. See lithium — adamant disulfide.

Li-FeS2 Iron disulfide Propylene carbonate, dioxolane, dimethoxyethane 1.6-1.4 V 1.8 V 297

"Lithium-iron", "Li/Fe". Acclimated in Energizer lithium beef as a advancement for acrid zinc-manganese chemistry. Called "voltage-compatible" lithiums. 2.5 times college lifetime for top accepted acquittal administration than acrid batteries, bigger accumulator activity due to lower self-discharge, 10 years accumulator time. FeS2 is cheap. Cathode generally advised as a adhesive of adamant sulfide crumb alloyed with delicate graphite. Alternative is Li-CuFeS2.

Li-FePO4 3.3 V 90–110

Rechargeable. See Lithium adamant phosphate battery.

Li-Bi2Pb2O5 Lead bismuthate 1.5 V 1.8 V

Replacement of silver-oxide batteries, with college activity density, lower addiction to leak, and bigger achievement at college temperatures.

Li-Bi2O3 Bismuth trioxide 1.5 V 2.04 V

Li-V2O5 Vanadium pentoxide 3.3/2.4 V 3.4 V 120/260 300/660

Two acquittal plateaus. Low-pressure. Rechargeable. Acclimated in assets batteries.

Li-CoO2 Cobalt dioxide

Li-CuCl2 Copper chloride


Li/Al-MnO2 Manganese dioxide


Li/Al-V2O5 Vanadium pentoxide


Li-ion carbon liquid 3.6-3.7 V

Rechargeable. See lithium ion battery.

Li-poly polymer solid 3.7 V

Rechargeable. See lithium ion polymer battery.

Li–air porous carbon organic, aqueous, glass-ceramic (polymer-ceramic composites)

Rechargeable. See Lithium–air battery.

The aqueous amoebic electrolyte is a band-aid of an ion-forming asleep lithium admixture in a admixture of a high-permittivity bread-and-butter (propylene carbonate) and a low-viscosity bread-and-butter (dimethoxyethane).


Lithium batteries acquisition appliance in abounding long-life, analytical devices, such as bogus pacemakers and added implantable cyberbanking medical devices. These accessories use specialized lithium-iodide batteries advised to endure 15 or added years. But for other, beneath analytical applications such as in toys, the lithium array may in fact outlive the device. In such cases, an big-ticket lithium array may not be cost-effective.

Lithium batteries can be acclimated in abode of accustomed acrid beef in abounding devices, such as clocks and cameras. Although they are added costly, lithium beef will accommodate abundant best life, thereby aspersing array replacement. However, absorption have to be accustomed to the college voltage developed by the lithium beef afore application them as a drop-in backup in accessories that frequently use accustomed zinc cells.


edit Sizes and formats

See also: Button cell, Array nomenclature, and List of array sizes

Small lithium batteries are actual frequently acclimated in small, carriageable cyberbanking devices, such as PDAs, watches, camcorders, agenda cameras, thermometers, calculators, laptop BIOS, advice accessories and limited car locks. They are accessible in abounding shapes and sizes, with a accepted array getting the 3 volt "coin" blazon manganese variety, about 20 mm in bore and 1.6–4 mm thick. The abundant electrical demands of abounding of these accessories accomplish lithium batteries a decidedly adorable option. In particular, lithium batteries can calmly abutment the brief, abundant accepted demands of accessories such as agenda cameras, and they advance a college voltage for a best aeon than acrid cells.

Safety issues and regulation

The computer industry's drive to access array accommodation can analysis the banned of acute apparatus such as the blur separator, a polyethylene or polypropylene blur that is alone 20-25 µm thick. The activity body of lithium batteries has added than angled back they were alien in 1991. If the array is fabricated to accommodate added material, the separator can abide stress.

edit Assimilation and asthmatic hazard

Button corpuscle batteries are adorable to baby accouchement and generally ingested. In the accomplished 20 years, although there has not been an access in the absolute amount of button corpuscle batteries ingested in a year, advisers accept acclaimed a 6.7-fold access in the accident that an assimilation would aftereffect in a abstinent or aloft complication.13 The primary apparatus of abrasion with button array ingestions is the bearing of hydroxide ions at the anode. The hydroxide ions aftereffect in a actinic burn. Complications cover oesophageal strictures, tracheo-oesophageal fistulas, articulate bond paralysis, aorto-oesophageal fistulas, and death. The affidavit for the accretion abundance of adverse complications is complex. Public and physician acquaintance is poor, and abounding articles application button batteries are not child-proofed. In fact, 61.8% of batteries that were ingested by adolescent accouchement were acquired from products. The majority of ingestions are not witnessed; presentations are non-specific; array voltage has increased; the 20 to 25 mm button array admeasurement are added acceptable to become lodged at the cricopharyngeal junction; and astringent tissue accident can action in 2 hours. The 3 V, 20 mm lithium array has been active in abounding of the complications from button array ingestions by accouchement beneath than 4 years of age.14 Button batteries can aswell could cause cogent baleful abrasion if ashore in the adenoids or ears.15

edit Rapid-discharge issues

Lithium batteries can accommodate acutely top currents and can acquittal actual rapidly if short-circuited. Although this is advantageous in applications area top currents are required, a too-rapid acquittal of a lithium array can aftereffect in overheating of the battery, rupture, and even explosion. Lithium-thionyl chloride batteries are decidedly affected to this blazon of discharge. Consumer batteries usually absorb over accepted or thermal aegis or vents in adjustment to anticipate explosion.

edit Air travel

Because of the aloft risks, shipment and carrying of lithium batteries is belted in some situations, decidedly carriage of lithium batteries by air.

The United States Transportation Security Administration appear restrictions able January 1, 2008 on lithium batteries in arrested and attache luggage. The rules forbid lithium batteries not installed in a accessory from arrested baggage and bind them in attache baggage by absolute lithium content.16

Australia Post banned carriage of lithium batteries in air mail during 2010.citation needed

edit Lithium batteries and methamphetamine labs

Unused lithium batteries accommodate a acceptable antecedent of lithium metal for use as a abbreviation abettor in methamphetamine labs. Some jurisdictions accept anesthetized laws to bind lithium array sales or asked businesses to accomplish autonomous restrictions in an attack to advice barrier the conception of actionable meth labs. In 2004 Wal-Mart food were appear to absolute the auction of disposable lithium batteries to three bales in Missouri and four bales in added states.17 Top appeal for lithium batteries for use in power-hungry accessories such as agenda cameras has conflicted with such restrictions in stores.

edit Transportation

UK regulations for the carriage of lithium batteries were amended18 by the National Actinic Emergency Centre in 2009.

In backward 2009, at atomic some postal administrations belted airmail shipment (including EMS) of lithium batteries, lithium-ion batteries and articles absolute these ( such as laptops and corpuscle phones). Among these countries are Hong Kong,19 USA20 and Japan.21